Includes a digital copy of Jumping Over Life's Hurdles And Staying In The Race. In addition to that, you'll receive the digital worksheet along with the instructional video to help you work through those difficult life hurdles. Also, you'll have some very clear steps on how to execute and reach your desired life success.
So, tell me if this sounds about right…
You want to overcome your pain, press through your struggles and avoid negative immediate actions that lead to bad decisions
You need a powerful system that will help you to press through your adversity
You feel overwhelmed at times and you just want to get a clear understanding so you can take action
You want to be consistent but FEAR and UNCERTAINTY cause you to doubt yourself and ask all the “What if’s” in your mind
You need help identifying the typical emotions that come up when dealing with painful life circumstances
You are exhausted and done trying to do it all on your own
You are willing to invest the time, money and energy necessary to achieve
Lorenzo P. Lewis is a decade of professional experience in behavioral health under his belt and is the founder of The Confess Project, an initiative that confronts the stigma around mental health for men of color, Lorenzo helps you confess to your issues to begin to build a better process of living.
Digital Bundle
2 PDF files + 1 MP4 file